Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement / Inspection Department is charged with assuring compliance to International Building Codes as well as the City's Code of Ordinances. The department is comprised of a building official and two code enforcement / animal control officers. The building official is responsible for performing compliance inspections on buildings under construction or renovation. The code enforcement division also oversee the city's demolition program to rid neighborhoods of dilapidated, dangerous structures. The code enforcement officers investigate complaints about improperly maintained properties, rental inspections, abandoned vehicles and other nuisances. The inspection department also issues all building permits. Animal control issues are also addressed through this office.

The mission of the Inspection and Code Enforcement Division is to promote, protect and improve the safety, health and welfare of our citizens. We accomplish this by providing effective enforcement of city codes.

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City Codes

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Code Enforcement Officer who signed the notice. The officer will be happy to assist you in resolving the situation.

A code enforcement officer will investigate the alleged violation(s). Pictures and a notice are sent to the property owner after investigation. Please note investigations are prioritized due to level of urgency and case load. The property owner is given seven days to make corrections. Extensions may be granted to property owners in special circumstances. If corrections are not made, a summons to the Municipal Court is issued. The matter is then handled by the municipal court judge.

To report a code violation use the Fix-It Bluefield App or click here.

Sidewalks are maintained by the adjacent property owners per the City Code of Ordinances Chapter 34. Maintenance of the portion of the public right-of-way, between the sidewalk and the edge of the street (often known as the parkway), is the responsibility of the owner of the adjacent property. This includes mowing the grass, edging, trimming shrubs and keeping the area free of trash and debris.

Ultimate responsibility falls to the property owner to ensure the rental property is maintained and meets code requirements. It is recommended that tenants include a property maintenance schedule and responsibilities within their lease.

The City of Bluefield offers special trash pick-up service on demand. Please call 304-327-2401 for service. Additional fees may be incurred.

Residents are allowed to own three animals per City Code of Ordinances Chapter 4. All dogs must be tagged with the City of Bluefield. Dogs tags can be obtained at the Municipal Building.

Wildlife issues are to be handled by licensed agencies and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.  Please contact one of the following should you need assistance:

West Virginia Division of Natural Resources at 304.558.2771

 RAD 304-887-2221

Professional Wildlife Removal at 304-306-7050


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